Will I Ever Outgrow Acne?

Acne is so commonplace among adolescents that it’s almost a rite of passage. Few teens get through high school without a few pimples to mark the phase. 

Most kids outgrow the skin condition, but for some, the battle against these blemishes doesn’t end with adolescence. Many adults face acne well into their 20s, 30s, and beyond. 

If you’re one of them, take heart. There’s a reason for adult acne, and more importantly, there’s a solution.

Dr. Robert Topham and our skin experts at Holladay Dermatology and Aesthetic Specialists help grownups throughout the greater Salt Lake City area put acne in the past. Here, we explore why acne persists into adulthood and the various treatments available. We also answer the burning question, “Will I ever outgrow acne?”

Adult acne by the number

Most people associate acne with their teenage years. However, adult acne is more common than you might think. Although men and women both struggle with adult acne, women face the worst of it. Studies show that about half of women in their 20s, a third of women in their 30s, and about a quarter of those in their 40s deal with persistent adult acne. 

Why some adults have acne

Acne develops when pores in your skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Hormone surges can increase oil production, which is why so many teens experience skin problems. Men’s hormones typically level out in their 20s, but women have monthly fluctuations and new surges and plunges during pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

Stress, diet, and genetics also affect how your skin behaves. 

Not all acne is the same

Understanding the type of acne you’re dealing with helps you choose the right treatment. Common types include:

Our Holladay Dermatology team determines your type of acne and develops a treatment plan to tackle the underlying source of the infections. Here are some of the potential solutions for adult acne.

Topical treatments for acne

Topical treatments are ointments and creams that you apply to your skin externally. Some examples include:


Retinoids are a form of vitamin A that increases cell turnover and prevents pores from becoming clogged. Popular retinoids include tretinoin, adapalene, and tazarotene. 

Benzoyl peroxide

This powerful ingredient kills bacteria that cause acne and removes excess oil and dead skin cells that can clog pores. Available in various strengths, benzoyl peroxide can sometimes cause drying or irritation, so follow Dr. Topham’s instructions carefully.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid that helps exfoliate skin and keep pores clear. It’s great for treating blackheads and whiteheads and is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter products, including cleansers, toners, and spot treatments.

Systemic treatments for acne

Systemic treatments work from the inside out. A few examples are:


Antibiotics reduce inflammation and kill bacteria. You can take them orally or apply them topically, but we usually recommend using them for a short period to avoid antibiotic resistance.

Hormonal treatments

For women, hormonal treatments like birth control pills can manage breakouts by regulating hormones that trigger acne. 


Isotretinoin (brand name Accutane®) is a powerful oral medication that targets all causes of acne. Due to potential side effects, we typically reserve this for severe cases.

Procedural treatments for acne

Medication isn’t the only way to tackle acne. We offer a few innovative methods for treating current breakouts. 

Laser and light therapies

Laser treatment and other light therapies reduce the bacteria that cause acne, especially the types that don’t respond well to other treatments. 

Drainage and extraction

We may perform drainage and extraction to remove large acne cysts, alleviate pain, and reduce the risk of scarring. If you need to get rid of a cyst quickly, Dr. Topham may inject it with corticosteroid medication to reduce inflammation.

Whether acne has been a constant companion since adolescence or visited you for the first time in adulthood, you don’t have to live with it. Call Holladay Dermatology and Aesthetic Specialists in Holladay, Utah, to schedule an appointment. 

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